Candle Damsel's fan page

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New fall/holiday 2009 catalog!!

The new Partylite Fall/Holiday 2009 catalog is out folks! You can view it at my website . Just go to my website, then on the top click 'shop', then on the left hand side click 'by catalog', then lick Fall/Holiday 2009, it's that simple. Or if you would like your own copy of the catalog, send me an email ( with your mailing address and I can send one out to you in the mail!

This month's featured fragrance is Apple Orchard! (below info is from my website )

Featured Fragrance Apple Orchard

Color: true ripe-apple red

Fragrance description: both sweet and tart, like fresh, crisp apples from the orchard

Claim to fame: NEW for fall/holiday 2009

Available as: Tealights, votives, mini barrel jar, Aroma Melts™ Snap-ables, barrel jar, round pillars (all sizes) petite 3-wick

Friday, July 31, 2009

Hello and Welcome!

Hello, My name is Nora Chambers, and I am an Independent Partylite Consultant. A little bit about me 8) I am 31 years young, and the proud mommy of 3. I recently went back to school to work on earning my degree, I'd like to one day be a Marine Biologist, it has been my dream since I was in middle school. Since I am a Stay at home Mommy, with 2 children that are school age and a baby at home, and I am going back to school, I find my days very busy. Both of my older kids are active in karate, my daughter also does cheer leading, and my son just started to play the Saxophone this year for school band.
I sell Partylite because I can work my own hours and I can make it work around my busy schedule with the kids and school. I also personally LOVE the product, I always have! What better to sell, then something you already like and love? I'll be using this blog to keep you update on anything new going on with my Partylite business. Speaking of which, you can now order directly from my website without the obligation of hosting or attending a party! How great is that?!?! Like myself I'm sure many of you have busy schedules too, so even if you like something, you can't always make it to the party. Or you'd like to host a party, but are just too busy. Not to mention, we all know the economy isn't the greatest right now, and even if you can attend a party, maybe it's at a bad time, and you just can't afford to buy anything on that day, I know I've been there before. Well now you can browse our catalog (the brand new fall/holiday 2009 JUST came out!) at your leisure from the comfort of your home, and order whenever you want to. Visit add it to your bookmarks, and shop when you're ready to!

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